Monday, March 16, 2020

Hatshepsut and Thutmose III essays

Hatshepsut and Thutmose III essays 5. Assess the relationship between Hatshepsut and Thutmose III. There have been many theories regarding the relationship between Hatshepsut and Thutmose III, yet none have evidence strong enough to support the idea that there was any conflict between the two. Although she officially ruled jointly with Thutmose III, there is no doubt that Hatshepsut was the dominant partner. Most co-regencies last for little longer than a few years of the younger partners reign, but Hatshepsut and Thutmose IIIs lasted for thirteen years. Hatshepsut was thirty-seven when Thutmose came to the throne. She was his tutor, aunt and step-mother and was arranging for her daughter, Neferure, to marry Thutmose III, Thutmose IIs son to Isis. It wasnt until about two to seven years into Thutmose IIIs reign that Hatshepsut proclaimed herself as pharaoh. There was no doubt that by the twentieth year of their reign, Hatshepsut was the senior pharaoh. On the stela of Nakht from Sinai, dated year twenty, both Hatshepsut and Thutmose III are represented as on equal footings offering gifts to the gods. Surviving inscriptions indicate that she accorded Thutmose III with the respect to which he as entitled, although throughout most of her reign, her image and name were always in front of his. Thutmose appears in the Punt reliefs on the walls of Hatshepsuts temple at Deir el Bahari. He is shown standing behind the queen dedicating the best off fresh myrrh before the sacred barque of Amun. (Breasted, Ancient Egypt Records.) Later in Hatshepsuts reign, Thutmose appears to have taken a more prominent role in the relationship. The evidence is quite clear about Thutmoses leadership of the army and his campaigns into Nubia, and possibly even Gaza, before Hatshepsuts death. Had Thutmose posed a serious threat to Hatshepsuts position, it is unlikely he would have been given leadership of ...

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